Tuesday 19 February 2013

Copernicus Needed Cube RMS

If you have been on Google today (19/02/2013), you would have no doubt seen that today is the 540th birthday of Nicolaus Copernicus. The polish astronomer and mathematician is principally known for changing our understanding of the Solar system by realising that the sun, not the earth, actually sits at its centre. His book, translated as On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres, is considered a major revolution in the history of science. The making of this book, an amalgamation of his astronomical and mathematical findings would have undoubtedly involved lots of lengthy working out. Managing these papers would have been an absolute nightmare for Copernicus and it really would have been handy for him if Cube Record Management Services had been around 500 years ago to help him out.
Cube RMS offers a simple and secure means of storing your critical documents and records in a specialist, secure facility. We have a convenient online request portal, which we use to easily access your documents using our bar-coded archiving system. If you so wish we can scan the requested document and send it to you directly. Furthermore should you need to dispose of your records, we can shred, recycle or destroy the items upon request. Copernicus would have had no need to worry about Lutheran rivals getting their mitts on his findings in our 24 hour digitally monitored and recorded CCTV units, with secure access control.

So whether you’re a mathematician or an accountant with records that you need storing, give us a call today on 29142200 more information. 

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